I am going to be visiting four places on my travels over a period of 2 weeks.
Days 1-3: I will be visiting the San Andreas fault close to home, a place with a transform boundary responsible for the many earthquakes of California, including the infamous earthquake in 1906.
Days 4-7: I am going to go to the Himalayas, the magnificent result of the convergent boundary between the Indian and Eurasian Plates. I may even visit Mt. Everest!
Days 8-11: I am going to the Great Rift Valley in Africa, a rift created by a divergent boundary between two parts of the African Plate.
Days 12-14: I will end up in Hawaii to relax at the end of my trip. Hawaii was formed by a hotspot in the magma underneath the earth, creating the Hawaiian islands (volcanos). But who's going to think about geology when relaxing on the beach?
You sound so excited about your trip! ~Randi